Tuition & Fees

This new plan is designed to reduce the average cost of a Make School Education while preserving the core protections of ISAs – if you don’t have a job after Make School, you should not have to pay until you are employed.

Tuition Costs,

  • Fall 2020 $15,000
  • Spring 2021 $15,000
  • Summer 2021 $10,000
  • Fall 2021 $15,000
  • Spring 2022 $15,000


$ 75,000

Tuition Costs,

  • Fall 2021 $10,000
  • Spring 2021 $10,000
  • Summer 2022 $15,000
  • Fall 2022 $25,000
  • Spring 2023 $25,000


$ 85,000

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